Now It's Your Turn

Friday 25 June 2010

This is it, the last day (as I write this) before the official launch of Tomb Raider: Underworld, and everything that can be done has been done. I just spent a relaxing day with Alison Carroll, our Lara Croft action actress, giving her a tour of the studio here at Crystal Dynamics. She spent the day posing for photos with the team and signing posters and telling us outrageous stories about her press tour around the world. It was a nice way to end three years of hard work.

It's an otherworldly feeling to be at the end of such a big project, one that we've put so much time and energy into, but still waiting to see how well everyone will enjoy the game. I've already heard enough advance press to know that we hit the mark squarely, but it isn't the same as gamers all playing and sending messages back and forth about every little detail. I had to take a break from keeping up with the forums to get the game done, but now I'll be able to return and spend more time reading posts and gathering feedback. And believe me, we analyze the feedback of each game carefully and these reactions do go into future'll see just how much this is true when you play the game.

And I do hope you'll play. Directing Lara Croft's journey to the underworld has provided me with some of the most exciting times in my career, and I feel honored and privileged to have been given the opportunity to guide one of my own personal gaming heroines. She means a lot to me, as I know she means a lot to many of you, and I wish you all the very best of luck as you guide her adventure in Tomb Raider: Underworld.




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